- Shipping Fee
- Return and Refunds
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Boost Your Chances
Once eligible for the draw, you can purchase an additional $20.00 2-delivery voucher code to double your winning chance (2 entries).
For example, if your single spend is more than $300, by adding a $20.00 2-delivery voucher code you will have 2 entries into the draw.
The 2-delivery voucher allows you to waive the delivery cost of two orders.
Note: The voucher code expires on the 30th of July 2023.
Shipping Fee
Total Cart Value
$50 - $149.99 = $10.00
$150 - $299.99 = $5.00
$300.00+ = Free Delivery
Return and Refunds
For details on our returns and refunds, please click on the below link.
Return and Refund Policy